So pretty btob lyrics
So pretty btob lyrics

so pretty btob lyrics

Peniel starts out " Just Like You" with a tender line ( "There's not a single day that goes by where I don't think about you") and then the song shifts into full ballad mode. The message of the song is somewhat bitter: she's so pretty that seeing her bleeds off their anger. It's a little different turn from much of the ballads, though we still have the boys' high tenor here, and everyone turns in a decent performance, from the rapping to the crooning. " So Pretty" is a midtempo tune that somehow manages to be not as upbeat as it could be. They won't be around 'anymore,' and they know girls like her "aren't forever." They finally stand up for themselves, and tell her they won't put it up with it.

so pretty btob lyrics

With some sampled scratches kicking off the tune, it launches into a tune with some jangly guitar, and some nice bass, along with occasional synth to remind you it falls firmly in the pop realm. They stop being sad on " Anymore," which is oddly also the first dance track on the album. Uh, Hyunsik, usually people disrobe before bathing. Again, they lose the girl, but they console themselves with a spring breeze. The boys certainly sound earnest here, almost as if they had experienced this themselves. It's sad, but the vocals give it a ray of hope, injecting just a bit of sunshine into this slow-burner. The title track, " Remember That," is sort of a folk-pop song, sung to an acoustic guitar. The lyrics are positively maudlin: "At age five I painted / Now I try to paint beautiful things, but remember nothing beautiful." Here the boys put some emotional punch into it, their voices hitting falsetto as they wrench the tears from your eyes. " Draw" is a melancholy ballad, starting with some pounding beats that get buried when the vocals come in.

so pretty btob lyrics

Hyungsik's voice is soul-searing when he sings "I can't forget you." The idea is simple: living without her is killing them. It's sweetly sung, and Peniel and Minhyuk do double duty on the raps. That effect soon fades into a smooth ballad, punctuated by keyboards and drum machine. The disc starts off with " Killing Me," beginning with a fuzzy synth, that for some reason reminded me of muted, re-sampled steel drums. The members of BTOB lend their pens to the process as well, writing four of the seven songs on the album. BTOB ushers in Spring with their new mini-album ' Remember That.' The title track completes their ballad trilogy together with " It's Okay" and " Way Back Home," written by the same songwriting team.

So pretty btob lyrics